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1. Evolve A Way Of Digital Communication Opportunity  

2. Enrich Your Belonging Digital Photograph Data

3. Add More Sentimental Value On Your Digital Assets  

4. Simultaneously Stimulate Visual And Acoustic Sensors To Emphasize Empathy Feeling  

5. Become Much Familiar To Start Creating Music  


《 A Value Booster 》  

You feel annoying the lousy confirmation on which photo/music has copyright of whose/what. Using KAMIONE, forget those rights because you would find both photo and its music are the same origin from your creation.  

《 Stepping stone for Music Creation 》  

It Makes Much Familiar Creating Music without Music Literacy. Variety of Melody Differentiated by Country.

《 Commullaboration 》  

An Opportunity To Bind Stronger Family Ties. Shares Precious Memory, Emotion, and Experience. 

《 Cultural Differentiation 》  

Just ONE Plain Photo Would Expand A Variety of Melody Differentiated by Country.

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